28 July 2016

The Harry Potter Tag

Anyone that knows me will know that I am a massive Harry Potter fan and have been since I was about 8 years old so I thought it was about time that I shared my love for the wizarding world on the blog and do The Harry Potter Tag, which I have seen floating around on the internet quite a lot recently. I had so much fun answering these questions and reliving my childhood so, without further ado, I'll dust off my robes and grab a cup of butterbeer, with Hedwig's Theme playing quietly in the background, and get started...

1. Favourite Book?
The Goblet of Fire, without a doubt, as I have always found the whole storyline to be the most interesting and captivating. For me everything about the novel fits together perfectly - the Quidditch World Cup, learning about the other schools, the Triwizard Tournament, the Yule Ball and Voldemorts rebirth - as well as all the little twists and turns throughout, which makes it even more mysterious and magical in my opinion.

2. Favourite Movie?
I find it so hard to pick my favourite out of all the films but I think I would have to go with The Prisoner Of Azkaban as I love the whole look/design of the film and the new characters that were introduced such as Sirius, Lupin and Trelawney. Also, Hermione punching Draco= one of the best moments EVER!

3. Least Favourite Book?
I love them all but probably Chamber of Secrets as I never find the plot as gripping or exciting as the others. In fact, the very first time I started reading the books I gave up halfway through CoS ( I think it was the Deathday Party chapter to be exact) as I found it too boring! However, I don't think it took me long to start reading them again and from then on I became obsessed.  

4. Least Favourite Movie?
Half Blood Prince as I feel like they changed quite a lot of it/added unnecessary parts and it just didn't really live up to my expectations. 

5. Parts of the books/movies that made you cry?
I don't really cry that easily at books or movies but one of the only things that has ever made me cry was the first time I read Dobby's death in the Deathly Hallows. 

6. If you could hook up with any HP character, who would it be?
Probably George Weasley.

7. Favourite male character?
Sirius Black has always been one of my favourite characters as I think he's so likeable and such a brave and caring father/brother figure to Harry and, whilst I didn't cry at his death, if any character could be bought back from the dead I would want it to be Sirius.

8. Favourite female character?
Professor Mcgonagall hands down! She is such a strong, badass women with the best sarcastic comments and one-liners, and Maggie Smith plays her to perfection in the movies. I love her!

9. Least favourite character?

10. Best book to film character adaptation?
There are so many to choose from as I think the casting for these films were pretty much spot on, but some of my favourites are: Snape, Hagrid, Mcgonagall, Voldemort, Luna and Umbridge. 

11. Worst book to film character adaptation?
Ginny. In the books she is a fiery, independent and popular witch and really makes a name for herself despite being the last of the Weasley's, however in the films she doesn't really do anything and seems to just be there as a love interest for Harry. 

12. What would your patronus be?
I have no idea but I think a zebra would be pretty cool.  
13. If you could have the Resurrection Stone, The Invisibility Cloak or The Elder Wand, which one would you choose?
Definitely the invisibility cloak as it's the most useful out of the three and would be great for sneaking around and scaring people!

14. What house would you be in?
Ravenclaw as I'm pretty creative/artistic and always daydreaming. 

15. If you could meet any member of the cast, who would it be?
I have already kinda met Rupert Grint and Oliver Phelps when they came to my school a few years ago as a competition prize for a student in a higher year, but if I could meet any of the others it would have to be Emma Watson. 

16. Which class would be your favourite?

17. If you could remake any of the films, what would you remake?
Even though HBP was my least favourite I would probably remake Deathly Hallows: Part 2 as I wish they had done the whole showdown between Harry and Voldemort, with Harry explaining everything to Voldemort, in front of everyone, like in the book, rather than them jumping from the top of Hogwarts and Voldemort being blasted to smithereens.  
18? Were you happy with the ending?
I was happy with Voldemorts defeat and the sort-of twist that Harry was the master of The Elder Wand, but instead of 19 years later I would have liked an update on what happened after the war. What happened to Hermione's parents? Umbridge? Did Harry visit the Dursleys? I know they may seem unimportant but it's the little things I want to know.

19? Books or Films?
Is that even a question? Books, everytime!

20? How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
Harry Potter honestly means a huge deal to me as it was such a massive part of my childhood and I think it will hold a special place in my heart for as long as I live. I almost get butterflies whenever I turn to the first page of Philosophers Stone and read the words "Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number 4, Privet Drive" as I know I am about to go on such an immense journey and I will be forever grateful to J.K.Rowling for making my childhood so magical.  

Do you like Harry Potter? Why not have a go at this tag?


21 July 2016

My Everyday Summer Makeup Routine

I tend to switch up my makeup routine quite drastically in the summer months as I favour a slightly lighter, fresher and glowier look than I do during the rest of the year so today I thought I would share the products I have been wearing on a daily basis as part of my current summer makeup routine...

To start with I have been loving the Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation as I find it gives a slightly dewier finish than my usual Nars Sheer Glow, especially when applied with a damp beauty blender. I then pop some of the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer over any redness or blemishes as well as under my eyes to cover any dark circles and brighten the under eye area. 

Next I move on to my eyes, where I start by filling in my eyebrows with the Maybelline Brow Satin Pencil, which is extremely quick to use and gives a really natural finish. I then take the Bourjois Quad Eyeshadow Palette in Upside Brown and apply the slightly golden-brown shade all over the lid, with a little of the medium brown blended into the outer corners of my eyes. I line my upper lash line with the darkest shade in the palette, whilst I run my Mac Coffee Eye Pencil along my waterline for a more natural eye makeup look. To finish, I curl my lashes before coating them with my favourite Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara. 

To complete the face I lightly dust some of the Nars Laguna Bronzer on my cheekbones, temples and along my jawline to add some warmth to my skin and give a little bit of depth and definition to my face. I then apply Rose Spritz from the Becca x Jaclyn Hill palette to my cheeks, before layering Champagne Pop and Prosecco Pop on the tops of my cheekbones for a pretty summer glow. To set my makeup in place I spray the L'Oreal Infallible Fixing Mist all over my face and then finish my whole routine with the Revlon Moisture Lip Stain in Cannes Crush, which is my current go to summer lip product.  

What are your favourite makeup products for Summer?


10 July 2016

My Favourite TV Shows

Like most of the population I watch a lot of TV which I don't think is a surprising fact considering that whatever my current obsession is, it is often featured in my monthly favourites posts and I have a list as long as my arm on my phone of all of the shows that I hope to get around to watching some day. Because of this, I thought I would share some of my all time favourite TV shows, both old favourites and more recent discoveries, all of which have had me, at one point or another, binge-watching Netflix (and going slightly square-eyed in the process!) to my heart's content... 

The Big Bang Theory
I don't think it comes as a surprise that this is number one in this list as I have mentioned it in numerous blog posts but it is, without a doubt, my favourite TV show ever and I know it might be considered a little strange, but I obsess over this show in the same way many people obsess over Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. I love how lighthearted and easy to watch it is, as well as how relatable the characters are, and it also played a part in making me realise how much I loved and wanted to study science. I know some people hate it, but for me it instantly brightens my day when I watch it, and I am extremely excited for season 10 (which I hope isn't the last!) in September.

Gossip Girl
Quite a contrast to TBBT but this show was the first that I properly became obsessed with a couple of years ago. I must admit that I have a kind of love/hate relationship with Gossip Girl as sometimes it can be slightly tedious (season 5 in particular), however for the most part I love the characters and storylines and it makes me even more desperate than usual to live in New York every time I watch it.

Pretty Little Liars
It's always difficult for me to decide whether I love Gossip Girl or PLL more yet, despite having quite similar storylines at times, I think Pretty Little Liars would just have the edge as it's so much darker and sinister than Gossip Girl. I love mysteries and thrillers and this show is full of secrets, so much so that there have been many times where I have physically gasped and been left open-mouthed in shock as things have been revealed. Although I didn't really enjoy season 6 I am getting quite into the new season and I can't wait to find out the identity of uber A and for the whole story to be revealed.

How To Get Away With Murder
It's slightly morbid but I have loved TV shows involving crime and murder for a long time (I blame my Mum), so when I was looking for something new to watch a few months ago and spotted this on Netflix, I immediately started watching it. It is one of the most addictive shows I have watched, with a few different storylines interweaving throughout the episodes to give an overall gripping plot. Viola Davis plays the lead character Annalise Keating so perfectly and with so much emotion that you sometimes forget you are watching a fictional TV show, whilst the rest of the cast are also extremely likeable, yet slightly suspicious at all times, which keeps you kind of doubtful and on the edge of your seat constantly. It is definitely one of the best shows I have watched this year!

Star Trek: The Original Series
As I have recently become a lot more interested in science fiction I have been very eager to start watching Star Trek, so when Netflix added every series of the show a couple of weeks ago it was instantly added to my list. For someone who is fairly new to the world of sci-fi, I have become pretty obsessed  with this show and I have really been enjoying watching it  as, despite it being a 1960's series, I personally haven't watched anything like it before. I like how every episode is a completely different story, yet the characters and the relationships between them continually develops, and I can't wait to see what happens next.  

What are your favourite TV shows?


7 July 2016

Asos Sale Wishlist

Asos Sale Wishlist

Asos is one of my favourite places for sale shopping as they have so much on offer you could literally spend hours scouring the site and filling up your basket from the comfort of your bed - a pretty win-win situation imo! As I go on holiday in less than a month I have been spending quite a lot of time trying to find some nice new summer clothes and, whilst some of the items on my wishlist are not entirely holiday appropriate, I think they would all make a slightly more alternative summer look... 

I have been into the 'boho' trend for a while now and that is definitely shown here with these items. I think the maxi dress would be the perfect day-to-night dress, worn with pretty gladiator sandals for a casual look in the day, and dressed up with heels and jewellery for the evening. As I am constantly wearing leather jackets I think the pink one is a great alternative to my usual black, whilst the black and gold ankle boots also give a little something extra to an outfit which my normal plain ones don't. My favourite item though is definitely the suede trousers as I am always on the hunt for something other than jeans to wear and I know these would be perfect, not only for summer, but also the transition into Autumn as well. They are quite unique, but I think paired with the blouse and belt they would give a great bohemian/western vibe which I love! 

Thanks for reading,


3 July 2016

Review | Wicked The Musical

My sister and I have been fans of musical theatre for a long time and going to see a West End show is one of my favourite things to do. As my sister's dream is to play the role of Elphaba from her favourite show 'Wicked', I decided to surprise her with tickets to go and see the show for her 16th Birthday, and so last Wednesday we hopped on the train to London for One Short Day in the Emerald City...

The story serves as a kind of prequel to The Wizard of Oz and tells the tale of the unlikely friendship between Elphaba, the green-skinned, magically misunderstood girl who goes on to become the Wicked Witch of the West, and Glinda, the beautiful and popular Good Witch of the South, as they struggle through opposing personalities, fight over the same love interest, react to the corrupt government in Oz and face the consequences of Elphaba's public fall from grace.

One of the reasons why I, and so many others, love Wicked so much are the musical numbers and scores. I was extremely excited to hear and see so many musical theatre classics performed live and when the opening notes of Defying Gravity started my sister and I were on the edge of our seats, transfixed. Emma Hatton, the one bringing Elphaba to life, blew me away every time she belted out hits such as 'The Wizard and I' and 'No Good Deed' with such power and clarity, and her duet with love interest Fiyero, played by Oliver Savile, in 'As Long As You're Mine' was spine-tingling. Savannah Stevenson's (Glinda) soprano vocals provided a beautiful contrast to the power of Hatton and both voices together created a truly stunning performance, whilst larger ensemble numbers such as 'No One Mourns the Wicked' and 'Dancing Through Life' pretty much completed the perfect soundtrack to the action of the show.  

Aside from the songs, what also really made this show stand out was the attention to detail regarding set and costume design, as well as lighting and prop choices. I honestly felt like I was actually there in Oz as everything was so authentic, from the colourful costumes of the Ozians to the *slightly* terrifying Wizard head, as well as the huge dragon looming over the stage and the lighting that gave a little extra something and made the musical performances slightly more special. 

Overall, it is an extremely captivating show and with a storyline filled with perfect comedic timing, beautiful character development and numerous twists and turns, it completely sucks you in, making it very difficult to tear your eyes away. Since seeing it I have constantly been humming and (trying to) sing the songs and I can safely say it has definitely become my all time favourite musical.  

Have you seen Wicked? What did you think?
