1 August 2016

July Favourites

Happy August! It's the start of a new month which means that it is time for my monthly round-up of everything that I have been loving over the past few weeks. I haven't really discovered anything new beauty-wise this month, but there are products that are recent rediscoveries and have been staples for me throughout July, as well as the book that had me gripped for most of the month and my new fitness fave that has made me be able to run up the stairs without losing my breath...

Mac Eyeshadows - Woodwinked and Satin Taupe
Whilst I normally switch up my eye makeup look quite regularly I have found that over the past month I have been reaching for one of these two Mac shadows pretty much every day, as I think they are perfect for a simple sweep of colour on the lids, especially in summer. I've been loving wearing Woodwinked in the day as it's such a beautiful, warm bronzy-gold shade and looks great worn with just loads of mascara, whereas Satin Taupe, which is a medium taupe brown with silver shimmer, has been my go to for the evening as, when worn with black eyeliner, it gives a pretty, slightly smokier look without being too heavy - perfect for summer!

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm
This has long been my favourite lip balm yet I had actually gone without it for months as it was always out of stock in my local Boots. However I finally managed to get my hands on one a couple of weeks ago and since then it has once again become a staple part of both my skincare and makeup routines. As it contains Beeswax and Vitamin E it really conditions and soothes dry lips, whilst the final hint of peppermint gives a refreshing tingle to the skin. It is definitely one of my holy grail 'can't live without' products.

Lee Stafford 'For hair that never grows past a certain length' Treatment
After having a huge portion of my hair chopped off last Christmas time I soon decided to try and grow it out healthier and stronger. 7 months later and it has now reached a sort of awkward growing out length so, after reading a number of rave reviews, I decided to purchase this mask to try and speed up the growing process. Now, I haven't been using it long enough to notice a huge difference in the length of my hair yet but the reason I have included it in my monthly favourites is that I have definitely noticed an improvement in the health of my hair. The mask is extremely conditioning and moisturising which leaves my hair feeling super soft and silky after every wash, as well as feeling a lot stronger and I will definitely continue using it consistently to hopefully grow my hair longer. 

The Body Shop Mango Body Mist
During the summer months I tend to favour a slightly lighter scent than my perfumes offer, which are all fairly strong and "heavier", and so I have been reaching for this Mango body mist on a daily basis. It is the perfect summer scent- sweet, fresh and fruity, to give a light mist of mango that lasts pretty much all day. 

Every summer I always set a goal to start working out a bit more and become slightly fitter, yet this is probably the first year that I have actually managed to stick to this thanks, in part, to Blogilates. I stumbled across this Youtube Channel whilst searching for a quick cardio routine and it has now become my favourite way to workout as there is such a mixture of exercises- long and short, easy to more difficult, and cardio and toning. I also love the fact that Cassey is such an upbeat and motivating trainer, which makes it very difficult not to have fun and enjoy the workout. My favourite is definitely the 8 minute fat burn cardio and since incorporating it into my day I have noticed that I am fitter and healthier, which makes me extremely happy!

Life of Pi
This has been on my to-read list for ages and so when I spotted it in a second hand bookshop at the beginning of the month I knew I would have to pick it up. It tells the story of Pi, a 16 year old boy, who survives a tragic shipwreck and months in a lifeboat at sea with a Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. It is such a harrowing novel, yet the storytelling and vivid images created allow you to truly get sucked in as a reader, so much so that there were times that I actually felt like I was there on the lifeboat myself. Yann Martel's descriptions really gave an insight into Pi's physical, emotional and mental state at all times and, whilst it is a traumatic and slightly horrific book at times, it really was a wonderful novel which I would recommend to anyone.  

What have been your favourite products recently?


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