17 March 2016

My Favourite Apps

 Like most people I am pretty much addicted to my phone and I am constantly checking my social media feeds to stay up-to-date with what's going on in the world throughout the day. With that being said, I thought I would share my favourite apps at the moment as there are quite a few that I currently love, with some old favourites and a couple of new additions. 

Tumblr: This is probably my all time favourite app after getting hooked on it a couple of years ago and I have been pretty obsessed ever since. As a bit of a self-confessed fangirl, I can spend ages scrolling through the app, reblogging and liking numerous posts related to all of my interests. I love it!

Instagram: I must admit I never used to be a massive fan of Instagram but I've really gotten into using it lately and it is probably my favourite social media app. I love scrolling through all of the different accounts, looking at the different styles of photography and getting pretty envious at some peoples themes. I actually now have two accounts, one a more personal, blogging account (@megankatemelody) as well as an art account (@mgnkt_art) which I have recently set up to share some of my artwork. 

Pinterest: I have always loved creating inspiration/mood boards and so Pinterest has become one of my favourite apps for this very reason. It is very easy to use, and you can create as many boards as you like, for example Quotes, Fashion/outfit inspiration, weddings and recipes, to name a few of mine. Be warned though- it can become pretty addictive!

Duolingo: This is actually a recent addition to my phone, yet it has quickly become one of my favourites. I have always wanted to try and learn a new language, and since I have pretty much forgotten my whole GCSE German vocabulary, I thought I would give Spanish a go. It is an extremely interactive app, and involves translating, speaking, writing and matching words and phrases to learn the language of your choice. There are loads of topics from food and animals to numbers and places, and each topic has a few lessons to really allow you to master the vocabulary. Now, I'm not expecting to become really fluent, but it is actually quite a good and fun way to learn something new. 

VSCOcam: I have tried numerous photo editing apps over the last couple of years, but this one is definitely one of the best ones I have ever used. It is great for editing Instagram photos as it has loads of features, such as a range of filters as well as the standard brightness, contrast, shadows etc, to create beautiful, bright photos.

Spotify: I love Spotify and it is probably one of my most used apps as I am constantly listening to music. I have created so many different playlists to suit every mood that I am in and it is also a great way to discover new songs and artists. 

What are your favourite apps?


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