10 March 2016

50 Things That Make Me Happy

With so much doom and gloom in the world nowadays I think it is always a good idea to think about the things that make you happy and, as one of my favourite types of posts to read are 'Things That Make Me Happy' Tag, I thought I would share everything that cheers me up and never fails to put a smile on my face. 

1. Reading a really good book, especially ones with a good twist
2. Having a lie in at the weekends
3. Singing my heart out when I'm home alone
4. Surprises- I love both recieving surprises and surprising others
5. Making other people happy
6. The Big Bang Theory- It is my favourite TV show and everything about it makes me happy, from new episodes to cast interviews 
7. Tumblr
8. Reaching milestones
9. Lazy days
10. Getting dressed up for a night out
11. Playing games with my family- Mario Kart tournaments and Cluedo are my favourites
12. A long bubble bath with a Lush bath bomb
13. Watching Jimmy Fallon on Youtube
14. Receiving a compliment
15. Cooking for my family and them enjoying my food
16. Hanging out with my friends
17. Autumn time
18. Harry Potter- I am a huge fan and I pretty much re-read the books every year
19. Adele
20. Movie Nights
21. Buying new clothes
22. Drawing and being artistic
23. Fireworks
24. The smell of burnt candles
25. Fresh Sheets
26. The sound of rain against the window when I'm cosy in bed
27. New York City
28. A traditional English roast dinner
29. Looking at the stars
30. Road trips
31. Good hair days
32. Looking at old photos and reminiscing about the good times
33. Eating fresh, warm brownies
34. Accomplishing things that I thought were impossible
35. Fresh flowers
36. Watching/listening to someone playing the piano
37. Science- I am a massive geek for science and get really excited by everything from advancements in treatments to space
38. Sunsets
39. Pizza
40. Drinking hot chocolate on a cold day
41. Making plans
42. Good customer service
43. Buying new stationary
44. The smell of popcorn
45. Getting an answer right on university challenge- I got 15 right one week and it was probably one of my proudest moments
46. Being patriotic
47. Going to the beach
48. Giving people presents
49. Freshly painted nails
50. Travelling

What makes you happy?


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