28 February 2016

February Favourites

I can't quite believe we are at the end of February already- where is the year going? I am actually quite glad that January and February are out of the way as they are always my least favourite months of the year, and I am looking forward to Spring time and getting to hopefully wear less layers! As it is the end of the month, it is obviously time for my monthly favourites, which this month includes a bit of a mix of beauty and random items.  Lets get started shall we...

I tend to go through periods of wearing the same perfume all the time, and since receiving this one last Christmas I have been constantly wearing it. It is quite a strong scent, with notes of musk, sandalwood and vanilla, as well as slightly floral freesia and mandarin. Although I do wear it during the day, I think it is also the perfect "evening out" perfume as it is a heavier, spicy, feminine scent.

Whilst I use pretty much the same shampoo all the time, I do tend to switch up the conditioner that I use quite often, and this is probably one of my favourites that I have ever used. The rice cream and oat milk is extremely nourishing for my hair, leaving it feeling so soft and silky after I have washed it, however it doesn't leave my hair feeling weighed down or looking greasy, which is often a problem with my hair. It also smells amazing, and my hair looks so shiny after using it.

Another hair care product that I have been loving recently is the Tangle Teezer as, like the conditioner, it is great for maintaining soft and smooth hair. I use it after washing my hair and it immediately detangles your hair, leaving it free of knots before blow drying. Since starting using it I have noticed a massive decrease in the frizziness of my hair and I'm sure it will become one of my 'holy grail' products. 

I love this time of year as all of the easter chocolate starts arriving in the shops, and whilst I always hold off on buying and eating an actual easter egg until Easter Sunday, I do indulge in the occasional creme egg or two. However, I have recently discovered these new Galaxy eggs, which are slightly bigger than mini eggs, and they have now become one of my favourite things. They are completely golden, with crunchy caramel pieces in galaxy chocolate, as well as being extremely addictive.  

It feels a bit strange including this as part of my monthly favourites considering the subject matter, however I had to mention it as I became pretty addicted to it during February. In case you have missed the hype of this Netflix documentary, it is a ten part series following the case of Steven Avery, who was exonerated after it was found he was wrongly convicted of sexual assualt after serving 18 years in prison, only to then be accused and convicted of the murder of Teresa Halbach 3 years later. It is extremely shocking and infuriating watching the case unfold, and there was many a time where I gasped in disbelief at the revelations and injustice of the whole case. It is the type of TV programme that you could discuss for hours, and if you haven't watched it yet I highly recommend it. 

Quite a random one but me and my family have been playing Scrabble quite a lot recently and I have really been enjoying it. I have always been a massive fan of board games, despite them often ending in an argument, and there was many a cosy night in during the past month playing Scrabble. As with any board game it does become quite competitive, and it does require a bit of thinking to score very high words, but it is a classic board game that pretty much anyone can enjoy. 

Something that I haven't photographed is the film Beaches, which I only watched for the first time in February, but it has immediately become one of my favourite movies. It follows  a New York child perfomer and a rich kid from San Fransisco who become best friends after meeting on a holiday resort at the age of 11. As the story progresses, the various stages of their friendship is explored, and it manages to have both funny and sad moments throughout. Bette Midler is fantastic in it, providing most of the soundtrack as well as playing the role of CC, and it even stars a very young Amy Farrah Fowler. I absoloutely love it!

What have you been loving this month? 



  1. I still haven't got into making a murderer uet but i think i will!!
    Great post

  2. I still haven't got into making a murderer uet but i think i will!!
    Great post
