28 September 2015

25 facts about me...

 I thought for my first official blog post I would get a little bit personal in order for you to get to know me a bit better. I always enjoy reading these type of blog posts so here are 25 facts about me...

1. My middle name is Kate

2. Autumn is my favourite season

3. I have a younger sister and a younger brother

4. I have a fear of spiders, snakes and frogs

5. My favourite colour is purple

6. My birthday is the 8th December

7. I am 5ft 2in

8. My worst habit is biting my fingernails - especially when I am anxious

9. Biology and Psychology were my favourite subjects at school

10. I am a dog person more than a cat person

11. I don't drink tea or coffee

12. I am really shy around people I am not comfortable with

13. Although I am not sporty at all, I love watching and playing tennis

14. My favourite TV show is The Big Bang Theory

15. I am extremely organised and am always writing lists

16. My favourite foods are Pizza and Popcorn

17. My Number 1 bucket list goal is to road trip America

18. I have been a massive Harry Potter fan since the age of 8 and I re-read the books pretty much every year!

19. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 7

20. I love any food with Caramel in it

21. I am addicted to Twitter and Tumblr

22. My favourite bands are The Killers and Queen

23. I change my mind all the time about what I want to be and since I was younger I have wanted to be everything from a chef, makeup artist, journalist, fashion designer, nurse and wedding planner! However at the moment I would love to work in TV/ Film production

24. I am allergic to peanuts

25. My favourite travel destination is New York

So there are 25 random facts about me and I hope you enjoyed reading them,


18 September 2015

Back to Blogging...

Hey everyone, my name's Megan, I'm 18 years old and this is my fashion and lifestyle blog.

 After previously trying my hand at beauty blogging, I decided to combine all of my passions and start MidKnight Melody, where I will post everything from OOTD's to book reviews, as well as advice, photography and my thoughts on current issues, almost like an online journal. 

I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings and I will hopefully start blogging soon,


14 September 2015


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