15 May 2016

Things I'd Tell My Younger Self

I am always looking back on my childhood/teenage years and wishing I could give my younger self some advice as I didn't have the easiest time growing up and went through some pretty challenging times in my life. Now that I am a bit older, there are certain things that I have learnt that, if given the chance, I would definitely tell my younger self...

1. Don't be afraid of change- although it can be scary, stepping outside of your comfort zone and embracing something new will pretty much always work out for the best

2. Everything happens for a reason- very cliche but, although things may seem like they are not going your way at the time, eventually everything will click into place

3. Don't let other people's opinions stop you from being yourself- whatever anyone says or thinks about you will have no impact on your life whatsoever so it's best to forget about them and move on

4. Take every opportunity life throws at you, even if it's a risk- it's much better to try something new, even if you fail, rather than regret not taking an opportunity

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help- no one will think you are stupid if you can't do something straight away and it will make your life a lot easier and less stressful

6. Embrace your inner nerd- don't hide what you are interested and passionate about in case people think less of you, just be true to yourself and you will be a lot happier

7. Don't cut your hair- honestly, you will look back on old photos and mourn your long, shiny hair so please don't get it all cut off to above your shoulders

8. It doesn't matter if you constantly change your mind about what you want to do when you are older- it will take time but eventually you will find your vocation and make a final decision on what you want to do in the future

9. Start watching The Big Bang Theory- I know it sounds strange but this show honestly changes your life for the better in so many ways

10. Things do get better- you haven't had the easiest childhood and although it may not seem like it at the time, everything will work itself out and your life will be a lot happier in a few years 

 What would you tell your younger self?


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