21 January 2016

16 Goals for 2016...

As we are now fully into 2016, I thought it was about time to share my personal goals for the year. I am not a big fan of setting resolutions at the beginning of the year as they are often difficult and unrealistic to acheive, therefore making it easier to fail. However, I do like to decide on some smaller, more attainable goals to work on throughout the year...

1. Start University. Whether or not to apply for University was a big decision for me, as I hated school and have never lived away from home, but I am now pretty excited to start studying Human Biology from September!

2. Become Healthier. Having bought a new blender recently I am determined to incoperate more smoothies and juices into my diet to become a bit healthier, as well as become a bit more active.

3. Start Driving Lessons. I have been putting off starting driving lessons for just over 2 years now, but I feel that this year I finally have the confidence to start to learn how to drive.

4. Learn the piano. The piano has always been my favourite instrument and over the years I have taught myself a few songs, but I would love to actually have proper lessons and learn to play it properly this year.

5. Grow my hair out. After looking through old photos recently, I realised how much I missed my waist length hair, so this year I am going to attempt to grow my hair out long again, whilst trying to maintain a healthy condition.

6. Become more organised. Having recently purhased an Erin Condren Life Planner, I am really excited to start using it to plan and organise my life more, and I may even share some of my planning tips in a blog post.

7. Cook more. Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies and I am really keen to try out new recipes this year to improve on my skills.

8. Improve my skin. Whilst I don't necessarily suffer from breakouts, I do have quite dull, tired looking skin, so I am determined to get it looking healthier and glowy this year.

9. Become more independent. I am quite a homey person, yet this year I feel I need to become more independent, especially since I will be moving away from home when I start University.

10. Photograph more. I love photography and have been using Instagram a lot more lately, so I want to carry on using my camera more this year to capture special moments.

11. Improve my drawing/artwork. I used to love sketching and drawing in my free time, so this year I am keen to dig out my old sketchbook and find the time to be a bit more creative, as I find it to be a really relaxing hobby and a great way to de-stress.

12. Travel more. As I'm now in the second half of my gap year, I would to take the oppurtunity to travel more, and I am already looking forward to going on holiday in the summer.

13. Journalling. I always buy a new journal at the start of the year with the intention of writing down daily thoughts, making lists and preserving memories, however, after a couple of months I end up forgetting about it, so this year I want to make a more conscious effort to keep it up throughout the year.

14. Say yes to more things. I am the sort of person that wants to have no regrets in life, and I would much rather fail at something than regret not doing it, so recently I have adopted the lifestyle of saying yes more often, which I hope to carry on doing in 2016.

15. Become more culturally enriched. As I am a bit of a nerd, going to museums and art galleries is one of my favourite things to do, as I love learning about the past, as well as different cultures. Therefore, I want to visit even more this year, especially with my family.

16. Blog more. I really want to find the time to blog more this year, hopefully posting at least twice a week, with posts such as book reviews, ootd's, favourite recipes and personal stories. 

What are your goals for 2016? 



1 comment:

  1. I love setting goals, I have so many goals for this year (http://daintyandivory.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/26-before-26.html) Good luck with yours!

