9 November 2015

October Favourites

 As we are now a week into November- where has the year gone?- I thought it was about time I did a little round up of some of the things I was loving throughout October. It is quite a random selection, featuring everything from my current music love to my staple beauty products. Let's get started shall we...

'Us'- David Nicholls
After having read a couple of heavy thriller novels recently I wanted something slightly more heartwarming to stick my nose into, which is exactly what this book is. It follows the journey of a family of three- scientist Douglas, artist Connie and 17 year old Albie- taking their final holiday together on a grand tour of Europe after Connie tells Douglas that she thinks their marriage is over. It is an extremely poignant tale, interweaving funny, sad and thought provoking moments, making it, for me, a real page turner. 

Shawn Mendes
I discovered Shawn Mendes when one of his songs was suggested on Spotify, and after listening to the whole album "Handwritten" I immediately fell in love. It isn't often that I love every single song on one album, yet in this case I do. However, if I had to pick, my favourites would be 'Imagination', 'Crazy' and 'This is what it takes'. 

Sleek Face Form Palette 
After discovering that I owned the perfect brush for contouring recently, it has become a staple part of my makeup routine to add a subtle shadow to my face. For a high street product, this is a pretty good palette, with a browny bronze shade to define the cheekbones, a rosy blush for the apples of the cheeks and a shimmery highlighter to add a slight glow to the tops of cheekbones. It is extremely pigmented, allowing you to achieve that coveted Kardashian contour really easily. 

Wispa Hot Chocolate
As we are now in the middle of Autumn, it is quite likely that you will find me snuggled up on the sofa with a mug of hot chocolate pretty much every evening. Whilst I enjoy most varieties available, my favourite is definitely Cadbury's Wispa hot chocolate, as it is extremely bubbly, as well as being smooth and velvety. In my opinion, it is a staple for cosy winter evenings.

Castor Oil 
I recently made the decision to grow my eyebrows out as they were slightly sparse and completely different shapes to each other. As it can be quite a slow process, I purchased some Castor oil to help speed up the rate of growth, which it has definitely done. I simply apply some of the oil to an old mascara wand and comb it through my eyebrows before bed, and after only 4 weeks it has made a significant difference to my brows, as they are now fuller and more arched. 

The Big Bang Theory
After eagerly awaiting the return of my favourite TV show all summer, it finally premiered with season 9 in October, so I couldn't not include it in my monthly favourites round-up. I must admit, whilst I am not particularly happy that my favourite TV couple (Sheldon and Amy) are currently broken up, I am still finding it extremely funny, and it instantly brightens up my week when a new episode airs. 

As Autumn is my favourite season of the year,  I thought it was only right to include it as one of my favourite things this past month. I enjoy everything about this season, from the fashion and beauty, to long walks in the park with my new puppy. It is also the lead up to my Birthday and Christmas, and so it is always an extremely festive time of year during which I can barely contain my excitement :)

What have you been loving lately?


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